
Making time to date
Getting what you want takes effort, no matter what your wish may be. This is why I’m always shocked by the amount of single men who tell me what they really want in a woman is someone who has time for a relationship.

For time immemorial men have been asking one question; one BIG question; “What do women want?!!!" There have been many books and even movies written in an attempt to answer this question. However if you have ever found yourself wondering what women are really looking for, more likely than not all the books written exploring this subject are by American authors for Americans. In my 14 years of running Two’s Company, an introduction agency for busy Kiwi’s, it has become clear to me that Kiwi women and men are worlds away from their American counterparts.

Dating tips for men
First dates can be as harrowing as they can be exciting. What do I wear? Should I be a little late? Do we meet for a coffee or commit to a dinner? Who pays? Sometimes just staying at home seems an easier option.

The Specialist
Life is fast. The time we spend on earth is fast. The cars we drive are fast. Advertisements flash in front of your eyes every 20 seconds. If you talk to an older Kiwi, one who knew the days of $75,000 homes in Remuera, they’ll tell you things have gone from fast paced to the speed of light. Luckily you’re used to it. You’ve adjusted to fit the hectic schedule, even if you don’t realize it.