If you’ve seen and love the movie, When Harry Met Sally, you should remember the scene when engaged Jess and Marie cuddle into bed for the evening after a long day of counselling their friends on the perils of finding a partner.  Marie turns to Jess and says, “Please tell me I will never have to be out there again.”  


That statement sums it up.  The fear of dating is alive and well for the whole world.  The dating world is paralyzing.  It’s nasty, and the wrinkled, beating heart of date-o-phobia produces every last excuse singles make to ensure they don’t enter the game.   Why is dating so scary?  To be honest, it isn’t always golden, but it’s not being married to Henry VIII.   Nonetheless, it has the reputation of the plague.  People loathe blind dates, and first dates are the ugly stepsister of the evil blind date.  So if love is the regal butterfly and dating the swollen, sweaty larva, how does one expect to metamorphosis into a relationship without passing through the awkward stage?  


My name is Sasha I run Two’s Company a Matchmaking Agency for happy, normal singles.   I’ve been in the business of helping people find a partner in Auckland and Wellington for over 20 years, so at this point, I’ve learned a lot about the nature of coupling. 

Here’s the deal, dating isn’t ugly at all.  It can actually feel equal to hitting Big Wednesday if the person across from you is giving you the warm crush rush.  To enjoy dating though, you must adopt the right mindset.   That mindset is:  THIS IS SIMPLY FOR FUN.   It is!  It’s for fun.  Not every date will be mind blowing, and some dates will make you want to never leave the house again, but that’s when your attitude makes or breaks you dating life.  

It’s a law of averages and practice makes perfect.   

If you’re single and want to meet new people, to find a partner for a long term relationship, then get out there! Try any means possible.  Just GET OUT THERE.  If you need help, I just happen to be a matchmaker sitting on a treasure chest full of healthy, successful, awesome singles who are over the NZ dating sites and want to find a relationship with the right person. 

Fear not the dating world.   Smother your flames of love anxiety.   Be brave, and accept that dinner invite.  Remember, it’s only dinner.  



Second Date Rule
