For time immemorial men have been asking one question; one BIG question; “What do women want?!!!" There have been many books and even movies written in an attempt to answer this question. However if you have ever found yourself wondering what women are really looking for, more likely than not all the books written exploring this subject are by American authors for Americans.
In my 14 years of running Two’s Company, an introduction agency for busy Kiwi’s, it has become clear to me that Kiwi women and men are worlds away from their American counterparts.
At Two’s Company I organise 80 to 100 dates every week. I do follow ups after every first date. I get a lot of feedback! When I sign up a new client I ask them,“What is it you are looking for? What are you attracted to? What do you want from a man?" With all of this information at my fingertips, it has become apparent that there are some common threads.
So…if you really want to know what women are looking for read on!
It may come as a surprise to know for instance that the vast majority of women are looking for a man who has his own life and his own friends! Contrary to the popular myth that women want to lock their men away, the truth is women want to know that their men are respected by their friends and peers and that they enjoy their own lives and hobbies.
It seems that a lot of guys out there think women want a man with a BIG FAT wallet, huge arms, great shoulders and a six pack……But NO! NO! NO! Overall every woman wants someone who is happy in their own skin. Perfect looks and bodies are more what men are into. Women fall in love with the whole package; the character, humour, wit, reliability, trustworthiness, intellect and of course the hundreds of little ways he loves her. A lightning bolt flashes through our minds as we realise that “this man is a good man”. From there any man will transform magically in her eyes into the most gorgeous guy ever to walk the planet.
If a man doesn’t look like George Clooney or have a bank account to match, yet they are happy with what they do have, that makes them very attractive!
If a man is successful and happy in the work he is doing, whatever that may be, that is great. If not as long as he is actively making plans or setting goals to achieve success in this area that will satisfy him…it’s all good!!
Now a big issue for women is in wanting a man who is a decision maker with the initiative needed to make plans. While women are totally capable of making plans for a weekend away, booking restaurants and organising dinner parties with friends; it totally rocks their world when their men do it. There are hundreds of ways to demonstrate your love for her and her value to you…plus, it screams ROMANCE! Doing this will never fail to make her desire you in ways that you would never imagine!
And yes Boys, a sense of humour is very high on the list. Life does have a way of throwing curve balls at us all, this ability to laugh through the hard times is about as valuable as diamonds. If you can go one step further and get her to laugh, even when she’s a bit cross and doesn’t want to …you become irresistible!
So what do women want? A wise woman I know once said “be you, be free, be it with me”. We do not want to change your entire lives and lock you away from the world. We love your passion for life, your friends, families and hobbies. The things that you are interested in make you who you are…the men that we love.
When all is said and done if we as women know with absolute certainty that our man loves and values us then we my friends are putty in your hands.
If you’re currently single and looking for someone fabulous, let Two’s Company take the guesswork out of dating by contacting us now.